Making confidence your state of mind
Confidence is a state of mind. One that can be learned and improved upon, says life and business coach, Izak Strauss. We spoke to him about what’s really behind a lack of confidence and how, like any muscle, it can be built over time. According to Strauss, what’s behind a lack of confidence is fear […]
Entrepreneurs beware!!!
Starting your own business is certainly a daunting task as you will be wondering whether the risk is worth taking; whether you are compatible with your business partner, who may also be your best friend and what is the appropriate business structure in order to avoid potential risk – to name but a few. Your […]
How to stretch your paycheck and avoid being abused by family and friends
The number one enemy of personal finance is procrastination. Therefore live by the philosophy of MTHN (make things happen now) and take control of your personal finances – let money be your servant, and not the other way around. As with any other goal you approach, you need to start by asking yourself: “What is […]
The Power of Consciousness
It’s a sunny Saturday morning and I’m heading out on my mountain bike as I notice a gentleman walking his dog, completely occupied in a sms-conversation on his cellphone and heading straight towards a municipal sign in the walkway… yes, you know what happens next!! Funny as this may be, the sad thing is that […]
Linking Financial Goals To Values And A Life Of Significance
I am writing this article in response to a recent column in Rapport by Mr. Dawie Klopper, an investment economist at PSG, which deals with “refocusing your career or even retirement planning” for those aged 40 to 60. Based on the ideas in the books Halftime and Finishing Well by Bob Buford, Mr. Klopper suggests that the above age […]
Die Amalgamasie Van Jou Finansiele Doelwitte Met Jou Waardes En ‘N Betekenisvolle Lewe
Ek skryf hierdie artikel na aanleiding van ‘n onlangse rubriek in Rapport deur Mnr. Dawie Klopper, ‘n beleggingsekonoom by PSG, wat handel oor “die her*****us van jou loopbaan of selfs aftreebeplanning” vir diegene in die ouderdomsgroepe van 40 tot 60. Geskoei op die idees in die boeke Halftime en Finishing Welldeur Bob Buford stel Mnr. Klopper voor dat […]