Perkolate February 2017
“My passion is wealth in a greater sense but also advancing the lives of people and enabling them to prosper,” says attorney and private wealth
Optimising your finances to increase your cash flow and receive income in a tax-efficient manner
Creating an optimised legacy today for tomorrow’s future
“Wealth is my passion and my purpose is to share my knowledge with others in order to advance themselves and prosper in life.
I want to enable you to design your life in order to maximise your personal and wealth potential – broaden your perspective and find alternative ways of thought, that weave subjectivity and objectivity together into a healthy, abundant way of living. I want you to live an extraordinary life and in transcending from good to great, leave a lasting legacy.
I am an attorney and private wealth strategist and therefore an authority on private wealth. I believe that success breeds complacency, complacency breeds failure and that only the paranoid survive. Therefore I am continually searching for ways to enhance the lives and financial wellbeing of my clients.”
“My passion is wealth in a greater sense but also advancing the lives of people and enabling them to prosper,” says attorney and private wealth
“If you haven’t done it yet, this year is definitely the year to start living in congruence with the person you WANT to be,” says
“Plan in advance in order to withstand the urge to splurge,” says attorney and private wealth strategist Izak Strauss. Read the full article here.